User rights (last updated 25/5/2018)

Pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and national legislation, the User may, according to the methods and within the limits established by current legislation, exercise the following rights:

- request confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him (right of access);

- know its origin;

- receive intelligible communication;

- to have information about the logic, methods and purposes of the processing;

- request updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those no longer necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were collected;

- in cases of consent-based processing, receive, at the cost of any support, its data provided to the owner, in a structured and readable form by a data processor and in a format commonly used by an electronic device;

- the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor);

- as well as, more generally, exercise all the rights that are recognized by the current provisions of the law.

1) The processing of the personal data you are communicating to us has a contractual purpose only, and will be used by the company exclusively to complete your orders, for purposes related to the execution and improvement of the service provided , for sending advertising material (including by using e-mail), or to subscribe and receive our newsletters.

2) The treatment can be carried out with or without the aid of electronic or automated means and will include all the operations or set of operations of collection, registration, organization, storage, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison , use, interconnection, blocking, cancellation, destruction of data as required by Article 4, paragraph 1, lett. a, and necessary for the processing in question.

These data can only be accessed by our personnel in charge and all the security procedures necessary to protect them from violations by unauthorized personnel have been applied, as required by the articles of Title V, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003

These data will also be:

- processed lawfully and fairly - collected recorded for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes - exact and, if necessary updated - relevant, complete and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed - stored in a form that allows the identification of the interested party for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed and as required by Article 11, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.

3) The provision of data is mandatory and failure to provide the requested information could make it impossible to process the order.

4) The personal data relating to the processing in question processed electronically are collected and recorded in such a way as to allow access only to authorized subjects. They may be processed, in compliance with the aforementioned purposes, within the site, the data collected will never be transferred (neither in the form of sales, nor communication), to third-party companies that could use them for actions unsolicited promotions. The only external companies that could become aware of it are all those connected to the normal management and conclusion of commercial transactions.

5) The interested party is entitled to exercise the rights referred to in Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, which is reported in full below:

- The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in an intelligible form - The interested party has the right to obtain the indication:

a) the origin of the personal data

b) the purposes and methods of the processing

c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments

d) the identity of the owner, manager and the designated representative

e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents

- The interested party has the right to obtain:

a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data

b) the cancellationand, the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed

c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means that are manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

The data controller is, with registered office in Via Carizia snc, 04018 Sezze (LT). The data processor is Mr. Roberto De Marco.

Pursuant to law 675/96, which protects the right to confidentiality of personal data, you can at any time modify or delete the data provided by accessing your Account (Close Account or Modify Account)


Having acknowledged the above information, I freely consent, pursuant to art. 23, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, to the processing and communication and dissemination of my personal data by the subjects indicated in the aforementioned information and within the limits set out therein.

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